Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 34: The Strongest Onmyoji Heads to the Devil’s Capital

“Nn~, absolutely... it’s rubbish.”

By the time we arrived at the Devil’s Capital, it was already the second day of the assembly.

The main topic was, of course, this incident.

However, rather than the eruption, more time was spent discussing the spies hiding inside the royal palace. The discussion of the eruption was completed on the first day, and it seemed that it was decided not to deal with it, probably because there were no settlements near the volcano.

That’s why when King Athos returned, there was a cold atmosphere in the chamber.

In place of the silent King Athos, the chairman, the Prime Minister, read out a document that was handed to him explaining the need for support. Then the lawmakers sighed openly and snorted like a fool.

“What are you talking about now that you’re back?”

“It’s support for other races"


A devil with reddish-brown hair said while putting her hand on her mouth.

“It’s completely rubbish. The demons are not a group of good friends. I wonder what the demon king has instilled in our king.”

“Young lady, you really are talking too much.”

A large demon with gray hair said.

“But it’s certainly not profitable. I don’t see the need.”

“The discussion was already exhausted yesterday.”

An old demon with jet-black fur and an eyepatch said with a grinning smile.

“I think any further deliberations are meaningless, but what do you think, Chairman?”

“Wait, I agree. If the other races decide to support all of them, and His Majesty’s will is the same, it will be necessary to reconsider based on them.”

The young devil with silver fur spoke, and the reddish-brown devil from earlier twisted her mouth into a smile.

“Oh, you found a good way to divert the topic, Komashoku. If the pursuit of the ‘Silver’ tribe becomes more severe, your position will be in danger.”

“This is a different matter. The person in charge of personnel affairs at the royal palace should have been someone from the ‘red’ tribe. Isn’t that the one who should be pursued?”

“Hey, you’re getting off topic. The main issue is how to support other races.”

“It should have already been decided not to do it. Further deliberations are a waste of time.”

“No, now that we have new information, let’s reconsider…”

Words began to fly around the assembly hall.

Fortunately, there seemed to be some legislators in favor of the support. However, the number is clearly small, and it seems to be inferior.

When the discussion started to get messy, the chairman and prime minister, the fat devil, raised his voice to settle things down.

“Everyone, please be quiet for a moment. How about we have His Majesty speak once again....?”

The hall, which had once been quiet, became slightly noisy.

The fat devil continues with a smile on his linois


“I couldn’t grasp the details just by reading the document. Now that His Majesty is saying this, he must have a reason to change our thinking. How about making a judgment based on that, everyone?”

“I agree. That would be quicker.”

“I don’t mind it either. Do whatever you want, Chairman.”

The reddish-brown and gray demons raise their voices in agreement.

After that, the same voices gradually rose from the assembly hall, as if to continue.

I grind my teeth inwardly. The prime minister’s aim was clear.

He wanted to humiliate King Athos and quickly end this discussion.

King Athos could not speak at such an occasion to his satisfaction. The retinue that had spoken for him had betrayed him, and now he was alone. He probably thought that if everyone was appalled by his faltering speech, that would be the end of the deliberations.

On the other hand, if you point it out, it will be disrespectful and will give them attack material. That’s why the supporters just look bitter and can’t raise their objections.

Sitting in the corner of the assembly hall, I involuntarily began to sit up.

At that time.


King Athos looked at me.

There was no impatience in his eyes. As if calmly controlled, I naturally sat back down.

“Your Majesty, please.”

The Prime Minister urges King Athos with a mean smile.

The demon boy slowly looked around the assembly hall and then quietly opened his mouth.

“――――It’s pathetic.”

In one word.

The members of the council, who were still faintly noisy, mysteriously fell silent.

The boy king’s voice echoes throughout the assembly hsilen

“Is this the devil’s parliament? Are you saying that those who yell such nonsense are the volunteers who support my race?”

“Your Majesty, such words...”

Such a voice came up from somewhere.

King Athos continues his words as if singing.

“I believe that there are no fools here who cannot understand the current situation. Therefore, from here on, I will speak to organize my own thoughts. Ladies and gentlemen --- Now is the time of war.”


“Sixteen years ago, the Demon Lord was born along with a Hero. He has returned to our land this time. Now, the humans are bringing destructive machinations to our land and threatening the livelihood of our people. ...... What would we call this without calling it wartime?”


“What are you doing under these circumstances? You are turning a blind eye to the attacks of humans, turning a deaf ear to the cries for help from other races, and only pursuing the responsibility of your own people. Is this really the way those who rule the devil should be? It is as if they do not understand the concept of war..”

Now there was no one who didn’t listen to the boy king’s words.

King Athos continues with exaggerated gestures as if to show his legislators.

“Some of you may wish to disagree with my words. No, I understand war as well as I understand it. Not only now, but we have always been at war ....... That’s right. For five hundred years since the last war. Even during these hundred years when there has been no clash between demons and humans, we have always been at war with humans. It was not a battle of warriors on the battlefield. It is a battle of internal politics to accumulate power as a race, a battle of the literati.”


“In the council chamber, no blood is spilled and no lives are lost. The warriors who have always defended their people with their bodies have been compared to the warriors who have always defended their people with their bodies and have been disregarded by the literati who are all talk. But I know this. Soldiers and logistics do not come from nothing. Abundance is the key to strength on the battlefield. Your battles to support them have been fierce. I know your valor, your merit, and your wounds.”

King Athos turned his attention to the old black demon.

The king turned to the old black devil,

“Baron Dávir. You are the old and powerful warrior who knows the history of this assembly better than anyone else. You took the seat at the young age of less than 40, and for the next 200 years, you have supported the government of the demon tribe. I remember all the amusing anecdotes about the councilors that you told me here when I was a child. However, it is not any of these stories that have moved me more than anything else, but your own anecdotes told to me by my mother. You were involved in a fistfight with a member of the opposition and lost the light in one eye as a result of the injury you sustained, but you established a support system for wounded soldiers. I am proud to have a subject like you.”

The old demon just stares at the boy king, unable to say a word from his half-open mouth.

King Athos then turned his attention to the large ash demon.

“The great desolate Nell Neuros. You have passed sixteen laws concerning the food supply. Without a doubt, it was you who saved our demon tribe from the crisis of starvation caused by rapid population growth, you were also the owner of this land, you may have been told that it was for your own interests, but I know that you donated four of your own farms to the royal palace. I remember that when the first rations were distributed to the poor, I was there myself and witnessed the effectiveness of the law with my own eyes. It was a great achievement because we had it.”

The large demon turned his gaze away from the boy king and lowered his eyes, as if in shame.

King Athos then turned his attention to the reddish-brown demon.

“You are truly a woman of character. After the death of your husband, the Aristocrat Ter Theolos, you succeeded to the throne on behalf of your young son, and quickly rose to prominence in the Diet. Countess Lol Roga. You enacted four laws and led the denunciation of corrupt legislators. Furthermore, while working hard, you raised five children. One son became a successor, and two others still serving as soldiers, and your two daughters are married to the Grand Arak and the Koma Baron, and are supporting the family head. Even as a child, I thought it was a woman like you who would support the demons in the future.”

The reddish-brown demon widened his eyes and listened to the boy king’s words.

King Athos turned his attention to each member of parliament.

“The guardian of Sol Sol Soltoras. Ol Ogilis the Bite Baron. The female guardian Baron of Kir Knyze. Baron Hel Helik Sting .......”

He called out their names.

The atmosphere around them seemed to change every time their names were called.

Eventually, after calling everyone out, King Athos once again looks around the chamber.

“Let me say it once again. I know your brave figure, your military achievements, and your wounds. If such heroes are my comrades in arms, I have no worries. I can fight. This is the birth of the Demon King and the Hero. I believe that we can fight through this great war together, overcome the humans, seize the prosperity of not only our race, but all of the demons, and pass this will on to our descendants.”

At that point, King Athos paused.

He looks over the quiet hall without a single sound and speaks with a slight gap.

“From now on, I want to believe so --- I will decide!"

King Athos left his seat.

He calls out to all the chambers in a resounding voice.

“Those who wish to share my ambitions should stand up and clap their hands! I will welcome that person as my comrade-in-arms!!”

A silence that hurts your ears.

That was --- it was destroyed in an instant.

“I agree!”

At the same time as the voice, the silver demon stood up.

He cries out with applause.

“Your Majesty, I am with you!”

“……Me too”

“Me too!”

The lawmakers stood up one after another and clapped their hands.

The flow didn’t stop.

Even the reddish-brown, gray, and black demons, who were supposed to be opposed, are now standing up and applauding.

“I agree!” “Let’s reach out to our comrades-in-arms!” “Your Majesty Al-Athos!” “True King!”

I was involuntarily overwhelmed.

King Athos had undoubtedly changed their minds.

Negotiations like King Sigil, laying the groundwork like King Plushe, violence like King Vill, reasoning like King Gauss, and profit like King Fili Nsir――――Just once. Through the speech, King Athos had seized the real power as king.

Amid thunderous applause, as if a new king had been born, King Athos stands proudly.

Then he turns to the fat demon who’s wide-eyed by his side and says,

“Prime Minister Bel Begrose. What about you? It would be very encouraging if I could borrow your skills, which have enabled you to rise to the position of prime minister despite being a half-breed.”

The fat devil knelt down before King Athos.

And then answered with a trembling voice.

“Me too……Please let me go with you. Your Majesty Al-Athos.”

“Then we have decided.”

King Athos exclaims.

“The specifics of our support will be left to those of you who are familiar with the various circumstances. I am sure it will be in accordance with my wishes. I must go with the Demon Lord to make the final arrangements---- for you, gentlemen.”

King Athos turned on his heel.

Then, when he gave me a wink, he opened the door of the assembly hall and left.

I followed suit.


After walking a short distance from the chamber, King Athos fell to his knees as if he had collapsed.

“Are you okay?”

“Eh, yeah...”

King Athos answered with a helpless smile.

“I’m a little tired”

When I kneel down to make eye contact with the boy king, i ask what has been on my mind.

“What the hell are you…why did you not stutter there…”

“It’s the method taught by Demon King-sama.”

King Athos said embarrassedly.

“It’s about speaking like you’re singing. Actually, I’ve been secretly practicing all this time.”

“Is that so... I didn’t think it would go so well, even though I said it myself.”

“It went a little too well.

A wry smile appeared on King Athos’s face.

“If Senecle sees me now... what would he think?”

“That’s... he might regret it.”

King Athos won the hearts of the legislators.

No longer would the tyranny of the likes of the Grand Viceroy El Edentrada be tolerated, and the Demon Assembly would regain its power.

At least if he was still alive, there would have been a way to control him... I think so.

However, King Athos said with a gentle smile.

“Is that so? I... I think he would be pleased.”

Then King Athos stands up and tells me.

“Maou-sama. After that... please, i'm going to ask you to ...... take care of the rest..”


“Our territory, please.”


I nodded quietly.

These children have worked so hard to get to this point.

I must respond in kind.

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